Just as Franklin was ending in 1999, I borrowed a broken Tascam 4-track from Atom. Because it was broken, it was technically a 3-track. He had gotten it from Mark Scott, I believe, but I really can’t remember. Atom had no use for it as he was pretty much invested in the sequencer universe so he let me borrow it/have it.

Since Franklin wasn’t practicing all that much and after recording what would be our last record, it just sort of made sense to begin recording music at home; something I had never done. Franklin had always written songs as a group during our practices so the idea of actually writing a complete piece of music on my own was never something that I did. However, once I started, I realized quickly what a cool thing a musical sketch pad could be.

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Bridge Burner is one of those songs that never made it to a record. So, in all it’s demo monstrosity is the AM/FM song, Bridge Burner.

Bridge Burner


A few years ago, Beth Blofson suggested to Mike and me that if we ever recorded cover versions of Christmas carols (something Mike and I would always discuss doing) that we should seriously consider one of her favorites, In The Bleak Midwinter.

Neither of us were familiar with the song but considering Beth was a person we always looked to for advice and more importantly, approval on new songs we had recorded, her suggestion required investigation. You can learn all about the hymn over here.

We ended up in Lenola’s basement recording a live version of the song. Dave Grubb engineered while Mike and Sean Byrne from Lenola played drums, Jay Laughlin and I played guitars and Scott Amore played keys. I tracked the vocals later at home and added some sub-bass to the end verse.

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This is a huge file. So, it will take a few moments to download. But I do hope you’ll wait for it. I think it might be one of my favorite things we ever did. And this is definitely for Beth. Hope you like it.

In the Bleak Midwinter (A Soldier’s Lament)


It’s kind of funny. Since starting this blog I’ve found myself, inadvertently, trying to make cohesive sense of the vast amount of stuff that I want to document. For example, should I start from the oldest material and work forward? Should I focus on one band at a time and exhaust that arena first. Honestly, I don’t think any of the organizational structures I’ve pondered could possibly work out so I’ve accepted that this blog will be, at best, scatter shot.

Thus, if I’ve accepted randomness for this blog, it could only make sense to pick another band I was in and, rather than start from the beginning, start at the end.

Around 1999, Franklin was breaking up. We had spent a ridiculous amount of time on what would be our final album, the self-titled Franklin LP,  and by the completion of that record, we all sort of felt that we had done all that we could as a band, creatively. However, during the slow down of Franklin, I had started recording songs at home with a very basic, Tascam 4-track cassette recorder that I had borrowed from Atom. The 4-track was damaged so it was actually a 3-track, but some tracks were better than no tracks.

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In 2003, AM/FM set out to record a new album. We had 8 songs written, but it became apparent that the songs had seemed to cut themselves in half. On one side, the more organic, natural sounding songs. On the other, the more electric, effected sounding songs. So we thought, why not release two EP’s instead? The first of these EP’s was The Sky Is The New Ground EP. It was released on Polyvinyl in 2003. Sadly, the second EP, to be called, “Our Day” was never released as we sort of stopped playing somewhere after the release of The Sky Is The New Ground.

Up until recently, I only had a final mix of one of the songs that would make up the “Our Day” EP. However, thanks to our friend Alice, we’ve found two more of them. I’m pretty excited to offer these songs here, free of charge for anyone willing to listen. This is the first track from the EP, “Our Morning”.

Our Morning