Here we get into the dusty memory bins. Be warned. While starting a band was always one of the most critical of goals, so was the attempt to create a music community or, if you will, a scene. You see, my friends and I were raised on the legendary towns of Washington, DC, New York, […]


As promised, the Paul Stefano retrospective continues. Today, Atom recants some of his favorite Paul Stefano moments. Sit back and enjoy! I have known Paul Stefano since first grade. Some of my first memories of him have to do with making up songs with him in music class. I think my favorite was ‘Run Run […]


After we successfully launched Elbohead Records (and by successfully launch I mean we managed to order a rubber ink stamp with our logo and address on it, that’s about as much success as we had) we immediately got to thinking about what was next. Logically, a record label has to release records and thus Random […]

ELBOHEAD No.1 – 4 ‘N 3 IS 7″

Honestly, I’m not even sure how to begin this post. For me, so much history stems from this little 7″ that I find it rather difficult to wrap any meaningful net around the hundreds of thoughts that stream forth from seeing it and hearing it again. In 1990, I was a Sophomore in High School. […]


FINALLY! I’ve convinced someone, other than myself, to spend a little time adding some content to this blog. It’s been a long, hard road of convincing and encouragement but after much hemming and hawing, Atom Goren (one of my bestest friends of all bestest friends) has accepted the challenge. Today, we reflect back to our […]