Dug up some oldies…this flyer was for a show at the thunderous 508 House in Tom’s River, NJ. This was the final show of the Fracture/Franklin summer tour of 1995. That’s actually a picture of me singing for Astir-Few on the flyer.

These two photos of Franklin playing a Cabbage Collective Show at the church at 48th & Baltimore appeared in a zine that I no longer have. Looks like I just kept the photos. The ego, I tell ya.

From what I can recall, these photos were taken from a show we played with Hoover and Hose.Got.Cable but I can’t be sure.

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These two photos were taken in a basement outside of Baltimore, MD. in the fall of 1996. Franklin went on a 2 month US tour taking Atom and Schumow with us. Fracture had disbanded, so Atom had been spending time learning how to use sequencers and 4-tracks to record his own music. Atom booked the tour for us so we wanted him to also play some of his songs before we played on the tour. So, at each show, he’d perform 3 or 4 songs.

This was the start of Atom & His Package and this show here in this basement, I believe, was Atom’s first, actual performance as Atom & His Package.

Another flyer I found of a show that was held out in the Philadelphia suburbs. While we didn’t play the show that’s me playing guitar in Franklin on the flyer.


Chris O’Neill was kind enough to scan these old fliers from his personal collection. It’s definitely true that fliers, pre-computer design days, had a charm all their own. Cut up, xeroxed messes that showed actual hands-on interaction with the medium. Anyone could (and did) make fliers and each was a piece of art in their own right.

I suppose I could explain each of the shows these fliers were for, but maybe that would rob them of their charm. Too many words are bad sometimes. Enjoy!

By the way, is it “flyers” or “fliers”? I never can remember.

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In 1991, Random Children seemed to be doing pretty well. Of course, doing anything at all was success in and of itself. We were probably playing one show per month and it seemed, that people liked the fact that there were some new bands playing around Philadelphia. Looking back, I have to assume that they were happy to see anyone doing anything since it couldn’t have been our music they were into because frankly, we weren’t that good. However, there are moments during the brief history of that band that make me think, “Hmmm, maybe we weren’t that bad”.

I remember Ralph calling me at home one evening late in January 1991. I was hanging out in my room listening to records and Ralph seemed particularly excited. He explained to me that Random Children had been asked to play a WKDU show at Drexel University with Fugazi.

Now, there are very few moments in my life that I can look back and say, without hesitation, that I almost peed my pants in excitement but this was one of those moments. Being 16 years old and having the opportunity to play a show with (what was then) our most favorite of favorite bands was like…jesus, I don’t know how one could even describe it.

Needless to say, we were excited. The show happened at the Creese Student Center and all I seem to remember is stepping out onto stage and being completely amazed by the number of people who were about to watch our mediocre band. It looked like a sea of heads sans bodies and was definitely more people than I had ever seen at a show. Of course, looking back now, it was probably about 1000 people, less than a sold out show at the Church or Starlight Ballroom, but still…it looked incredible.

I don’t remember much of playing the show because I think I was to in awe of the experience. Here we were…playing our very own songs…punk songs that we wrote about our limited experiences growing up thus far…in front of a sea of people…opening up for Fugazi…a band that we considered to represent everything we believed music could and should be.

Here are some photos from the show. Sadly, I don’t recall who took them.

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I also had to throw in this, “official” flier for the show. Look at what was possible with 1991 computer technology!

Here’s a YouTube clip of Fugazi from that show. Sadly, I couldn’t locate any Random Children footage although, I know it does occasionally still play late at night on Drexel’s television station which is kind of funny.

During the set, I stood just over Ian’s amp filming the show with my parents VHS recorder…that’s my arm leaning against the wall at random times. That camera was damn heavy. Now ask me where that video I shot is located…


In 1991, once we had secured a location to put on all ages shows, we got busy booking as many bands as we could. Initially focusing on the few local groups we actually knew, we started calling out of state bands to draw more folks into what we hoped would turn into some sort of, “scene”. I was handling most of the booking of these shows and my primary interest was the music scene in Washington DC. Thus, almost every show I could book had a band from DC on the bill. Because of it, not only did we have some really great shows, we got to see some really great bands.

I remember receiving a 7″ in the mail by a band that, at the time, was unknown here in Philadelphia. They were called Jawbox and had just released a 7″ on Dischord/DeSoto. I still remember getting that package in the mail and thinking how rad it was that bands were now sending records and tapes to try and get shows here in Philadelphia, and how rad it was that I was getting a first crack at a new band. The Jawbox 7″ sounded amazing and we booked them the first chance we got. I think we guaranteed them $150 to play the show. Amazing.

Because of booking Jawbox, I had the pleasure of becoming friends with Kim Coletta, their bass player. She was working at Dischord and was so into helping others get things going in their towns that she would always be willing to put up with me, a 17-year old kid asking her question after question about setting up shows, how to put out records, distribute records, etc. The patience she must have had.

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In addition, I came across an old zine from here in Philly called, Icky. Sadly, I don’t remember much about it, but it was pretty sweet to flip thru again. Inside, there was a show review from this particular show at Dobbs. Sweet synchonicity.